

Sleep Disorders: Sleep Disorders Affect Men and Women Differently

Tue, May 22, 2018


Men and women are of course very different in many ways. There are countless instances where gender difference occurs. But did you know that it also applies to sleep disorders? Sleep disorders also affect men and women differently. Especially when it comes to identifying their symptoms. Which is why identifying sleeping problems such as snoring and sleep apnoea are often hard when it comes to women.


The Difference Between Men And Women

In fact, men are more prone to be diagnosed with snoring or sleep apnoea than women. They are also generally known as loud snorers or heavy sleepers, unlike women.

Women, on the other hand, are less likely to be diagnosed with snoring and sleep apnoea. Why? Because they are often misdiagnosed due to the difference in symptoms that they experience.

According to a new research published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, men and women are differently afflicted by sleep disorders. Results also show that severe signs of depression, lack of concentration, the difficulty of remembering, excessive daytime sleepiness, and trouble sleeping at night may occur in women.


How To Avoid Misdiagnosis

One of the few things that can avoid misdiagnosis is to stop stereotyping them. Matter of fact, there are so many symptoms in women that often lead to misdiagnosis and these include:

  • Exhaustion
  • Trouble sleeping at night
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Forgetfulness
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obesity
  • Loud Snoring
  • Having a dry mouth when waking up


Most of these symptoms are referred to as signs of menopause. But what you might actually don’t know is that menopause may be the main reason for your snoring or sleep apnoea. Which is why menopause should be treated as a symptom of snoring and sleep apnoea and not the other way around.


What do you need to do?

The very first thing that you need to do is to identify your sleep disorder. Leaving a sleep disorder untreated can lead to serious health issues such as heart disease, stroke, depression, obesity, mental illness, and even death.

So, if you think that you’re at risk of having snoring, sleep apnoea, or any other sleep disorder. Take our free self-assessment questionnaire and book an in-home sleep study today.

You can also call us at 1300 246 637 to speak with our friendly Sleep Therapist.