

Here’s How a Home Sleep Study Can Change Your Life

Wed, Oct 24, 2018

home-sleep-studyA home sleep study is a great way to get more sleep and get on with your life. If you constantly feel tired during the day you may wonder if you have a sleep disorder.

And, if you truly need a decent night's sleep, a sleep study is a great idea. But you’ll need to make a decision first. Do you go to a sleep centre or opt for a home sleep study?

Let’s be honest, spending the night in a sleep lab or hospital is a bit of a sleep killer. Trying to sleep in an unfamiliar room with strange noises and smells is enough to put anyone off having a sleep study. 

Not to mention the sleep lab staff checking on you. And, anything that turns people off having a sleep study isn’t great. Because testing for snoring and sleep apnea is life-changing.

The great news is that there's no reason at all to go to a sleep lab or hospital for testing. You can have a home sleep study right now in the comfort of your own bed.

What Is A Home Sleep Study?15698959184_1d031415af_k

If you can't sleep or you feel tired in the middle of the day, you most likely have a sleep disorder.  Sleep disorders cause various medical problems and influence your well-being. The best thing to do in this situation is to have a sleep study.

A sleep study can enable your specialist to analyse your disorder. Which means you get treated in the best way possible. What's more, the health benefits of treating your sleep disorder will change your life.

A home sleep study is a more accessible version of a sleep clinic test. Known as polysomnography, a sleep study records your body's actions while you’re asleep. That means your breathing, heart, mind, sleeping position, blood oxygen levels - and that's only the tip of the iceberg. All while you sleep in the comfort of your own bed.

What Do I Need To Do During A Home Sleep Study?

Get ready for bed like you usually do only this time you will also set up the sleep study machine. Don’t worry, you’ll get all the information you need to do this from your Sleep Therapist in advance. So you’ll know exactly what to do. Just attach the motion sensors and nod off! It's that simple. What's more, your Sleep Therapist is only a phone call away in the event that you have any issues.

When you get up in the morning, follow the directions from your Sleep Therapist and sit tight for your results. And that’s all there is to it. A home sleep study is so much easier than visiting a clinic. Plus there are even more benefits that you may not have even considered.


What Are The Benefits Of A Home Sleep Study?
1. Comfort

Clearly, sleeping in your own bed will be much better than a strange bed in a clinic. And when you're at home you don't need to concern yourself with clinic staff. So you'll sleep better and your study outcomes will be more precise.

2. Convenience

What could be better than having your home sleep study gear sent straight to your home? It's so much easier than going to a sleep clinic to stay the night. What's more, you won't be wasting your precious time in traffic, trying to find a park and so on.

3. More affordable

Speaking of driving and parking, if you add up the expenses of travelling to a sleep clinic and other associated costs you’ll probably be out of pocket. So save yourself some extra cash by having a study at home.

4. Life-Saving

If your snoring or sleep apnea is left untreated you are at risk of a number of medical issues. Having a home sleep study gives more precise outcomes. Because you’re sleeping the same way that you do every night. So your body responds in the same way. Precise outcomes mean a more exact sleep study result and the right treatment.

5. Supportive

Your Sleep Therapist is there for you at all times. Even after you begin treatment for your sleep disorder. And if you ever have any worries about your home sleep study or treatment, just get on the phone and talk with your Sleep Therapist.

Do something about your health and well-being and live the life you dream of. What if through simply having a home sleep study you could change your life forever? Treatment of snoring and sleep apnea is so easy and the results are life-changing. Call us today on 1300 246 637 or submit the contact form below and get ready to meet your Sleep Therapist. Contact us now.