

A Hidden Epidemic. And YOU Know Someone Who's Affected.

Wed, Nov 07, 2012

We are all living through what medical literature refers to as 'a hidden epidemic'.  This epidemic affects both genders, all ages, and all body shapes, from lean to obese.  One in every three adults suffer from a significant form of this condition -- yet most people blithely ignore the condition, thinking it's normal.

The condition in question is 'sleep disordered breathing' (SDB).  This term covers a wide range of ailments, from simple snoring through to severe obstructive sleep apnoea, where the sufferer literally stops breathing while asleep. 

All forms of the condition are harmful, to varying degrees.  Even simple snoring, which everyone tends to joke and tease about, is actually a loud, clear signal that the airflow is impaired.  This is NEVER a good thing. 

Countless studies have found clear links between sleep disordered breathing and a wide range of negative consequences and co-morbidities, including hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, metabolic retardation and conseqenent weight gain / obesity, acid reflux, loss of libido, impotence, waking tiredness, daytime sleepiness, and reduced cognitive ability. 

Excellent treatments are available, and diagnostic sleep studies no longer need to be performed in hospital or sleep lab environments.  (These studies monitor the patient's breathing patterns and stoppages, brain activity, cardiac activity, sleeping position, blood oxygen levels, limb movements ... and much more, all while the patient sleeps.  Portable diagnostic equipment means the sleep study can now be performed in the comfort, privacy and convenience of the patient's own bedroom.

If you snore or suffer from the side effects listed above, or if you know someone who does, then take action.  Snoring might be common, but it is NOT normal and is probably a sign of a more serious underlying condition. 

Call us on 1300 246 637 for more information or to chat with a friendly sleep therapist.