

9 Simple Steps to Surviving the Festive Season

Wed, Dec 20, 2017

It’s no secret that Christmas is the one time of the year when you let your guard down. Your usual daily routine is thrown aside – replaced by late nights and overindulgence. What’s more you have so much to do before the year’s end that by the time Christmas day hits, you fall into a crumpled heap. There’s so many relatives and friends to catch up with, Christmas parties become a blur. And let’s not talk about those extra glasses of wine while frantically wrapping presents on Christmas Eve. “Never again”, you tell yourself as you open your front door to the blinding early morning sun.Photo by from Pexels

If you’re like most people, the festive season can also be one of the most stressful times of the year. Even after you’ve survived crowded shopping centres, ticking items off your list in a frenzy, you then need to prepare food, drink and beds for family and friends. Fussing about making sure everyone is comfortable. If you’re lucky enough, you might also play the role of 'Chief Negotiator' when family relations become strained. All that extra pressure can leave you feeling completely drained; longing for a holiday from your holiday.

Believe it or not, there’s a cheap, simple and natural solution to help you cope with all that stress... deep, restorative sleep!

Sleep is your body's natural healing process. It helps you cope better with stress. If you feel the holiday season taking its toll, do yourself a favour and try these simple steps:

  1. Make your bedroom sleep-conducive – cool, dark and quiet is the key. Keep the Christmas party and decorations at the other end of the house;
  2. Avoid heavy meals before bedtime. We know how hard it is to turn a blind eye to a table covered with delicious food that you’ve convinced yourself needs to be eaten. But you can do it. Because, while you may be able to drift off easily on a full stomach, too much food before bed can disrupt your sleep;
  3. Remember to exercise – nothing too vigorous and not before bedtime. A simple brisk walk after dinner will stop you feeling sluggish. Plus, you get to enjoy the neighbour’s Christmas lights;
  4. Try to maintain your regular sleeping pattern. Listen to your body when it tells you it's time for bed;
  5. Avoid caffeine, fizzy drinks, or too much alcohol. These will all keep you up longer;
  6. Treat yourself to some quiet time an hour before bed. Take a warm bath, read a book or meditate;
  7. No screen time before bed. We know how tempting it is to check out everyone else’s Facebook festivities but switching off all electronic devices at least an hour before bed will make a difference to your sleep health;
  8. Resolve arguments before bed. There’s nothing worse than lying in bed thinking about what you should have said or done;
  9. If you’re still having trouble sleeping... there may be something more serious at play. Take our free sleep assessment questionnaire.

Make a change this festive season, feel great and end the year on a glow. Merry Christmas!

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