

Snoring Tips: Simple and Effective Snoring Solutions For A Better Sleep

Wed, Jun 06, 2018

Simple & Effective Snoring Solutions For A Better sleepBelieve it or not, almost 50% of people around the world snore at some point in their lives.

Which means, if you want to find the best way to stop snoring, you’re not alone.

So, what causes snoring? Well, snoring can be caused by a number of things. From a common cold through to something more serious. Like, a sleep disordered breathing condition called sleep apnoea.


What is sleep apnoea?

Sleep apnoea is a sleep disordered breathing condition which causes difficulty breathing while you sleep. And, loud snoring is one of the  first symptoms.

In fact, if you snore it's likely that you even stop breathing during the night. That's right, you literally stop breathing for at least a hundred times each night. Not only that but leaving it untreated and undiagnosed may lead to serious health problems. Including, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, infertility and so much more.  


How can you treat snoring?

The thing about snoring is that it’s fairly easy to cure. Even if you’re suffering from sleep apnoea.

But, if you’re using products like mouth guards, snoring pillows, nasal strips, snoring nose clips, it’s time to stop.

Those over-the-counter treatments are not the answer to your snoring problem. So, don't waste your time or your money. Instead, try out these simple and effective snoring solutions: 


1. Change Your Sleeping Position

What you might know is that your sleeping position plays a huge role in your snoring problems. And, sleeping on your back is proven to cause countless snoring problems. The best way to prevent this is by sleeping on your side or putting a small pillow on your back. This will help prevent you rolling onto your back during the night. 


2. Exercise or Lose Weight

When you’re overweight or obese, the fatty tissues around your neck cause your airway to collapse during your sleep. That's why snoring and sleep apnoea mostly occur if you are overweight.

If you feel unmotivated and excessively tired during the day due to your snoring problem, take our self-assessment questionnaire now. It's time to find out if you’re suffering from sleep apnoea.


3. Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Consuming too much alcohol especially 4 hours before bedtime may be the reason for your snoring problem. In fact, alcohol causes your soft tissues to relax and block your airway.

That’s why it’s best to limit your alcohol intake or stop drinking all together. Although it may help you fall asleep, alcohol is not the solution to your sleeping problems. In fact, it can actually lead to a restless night.


4. Practice A Great Sleeping Routine

Having a great sleeping routine that works for you and your body is a healthy way to prevent and stop snoring altogether. Try following these tips:

  • Plan and stick to a regular bedtime
  • Reduce your exposure to blue light
  • Don’t consume heavy meals before bedtime
  • Exercise regularly
  • Create a relaxing sleeping environment
  • Prioritise your sleep. 


5. Quit Smoking

What you may not know is that smoking cigarettes may be the cause of your snoring. There’s no denying that smoking can cause an inflammation in your throat and mouth and because of that your airway collapses while you sleep.  The more often you smoke, the more likely you are to snore.


Yes, quitting smoking is easier said than done. If you’re struggling to break your habit of smoking, see your doctor or local pharmacist for advice.


6. Use a CPAP machine

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is the golden standard treatment for snoring and sleep apnoea. It’s the best and most proven way to stop your snoring problems along with other sleep disordered breathing conditions.


Using a CPAP machine may take a while to get used to, especially if you’re a first-timer. But the key is time and practice for life-changing results. If you’re experiencing any trouble using your CPAP machine, contact our sleep therapists today or check out the following solutions to some common CPAP problems.