

Sleeping Tips: How to Get A Good Night Sleep During the Holidays

Wed, Mar 28, 2018

pexels-photo-373331.jpegWe all know how stressful the holidays are and this coming Easter is not an exception.

There’s just so much to do- binge eating all those chocolates, having lunch with the whole family, shopping, cooking, cleaning, and organising everything single thing.

The list goes on and on and we end up going back to work more tired than ever.


But the good news is that by getting enough sleep we can keep our health in check during the holidays. 

Here are our top sleeping tips for a healthy Easter Holiday this weekend:


1. MAKE A LISTpen-calendar-to-do-checklist.jpg

We all have a lot of work to get done before this Easter weekend, both in the office and in our own homes.

And the best way to get all of those things done according to plan is to actually make a plan.

Make a list of things you need to do, so you would end up finishing everything on time. By creating a list, you wouldn’t end up feeling lost and anxious about everything, you wouldn’t resort to procrastinating, and most of all you wouldn’t be stressed.

Matter of fact, a research by Baylor University have proven that making a ‘to-do’ list can actually help you fall asleep faster than not.



Don’t get your expectations too high, your family doesn’t want a perfect polished holiday, they want to have fun and spend time with their loved ones.

The most important thing about this Easter is spending quality time with your family and overthinking about everything would just ruin your holiday spirit.


pexels-photo-724022.jpeg3. DON'T OVERINDULGE 

Most of us remember Easter as a time to eat so much chocolate.

But if you want to have a healthy holiday, try to limit your sugar intake during the weekend. Having one or two in a day is okay but having a box full of chocolates even before breakfast would be a bad idea.

And it goes the same for alcohol. Both sugar and alcohol can affect your sleep health.

Although drinking alcohol can help you fall asleep faster, you’ll actually end up having a worse night’s sleep as a result.

Drinking alcohol before sleeping can interrupt your circadian rhythm, block your REM sleep, and cause breathing problems which would be a nightmare for anyone who’s suffering from snoring and sleep apnoea.



Although it might seem like a great idea to stay up late at night during the holidays because of all the catching up you need to do with both your friends and family.

But if you don’t want to wake up tired and run down the next day, it’s probably better to not stay up late.

If possible, try to maintain your regular sleeping schedule while on holidays.


5. KEEP ON EXERCISING  pexels-photo-374632.jpeg

Exercising will always be the best thing to do to get a good night’s sleep.

During the Easter break, rather than skipping your exercise routine, try out new ways to do them.

Go hiking with your family, go swimming, or even bowling. Exercise can be a great way to bond.

Try to get your family involved and you’ll end up having a great time while also being healthy at the same time!



Sure, watching TV and using electronic devices can be fun especially during the holidays because there’s no work or school the next day.

But what you might not know is that looking at your TV and phone screens especially at night can cause you a lot of sleeping problems.

According to studies over the last 25 years, a blue-green colour light at a wavelength of 459-485 nanometers can be detected by the photosensitive retinal ganglion cells in your retina.

These cells then stop the increase of melatonin production during the night which would result in having sleeping problems. 

During this Easter, start breaking your screen habits and try playing outdoor games or reading with your family for a change.


pexels-photo-241756.jpeg7. GO OUTSIDE

Did you that walking outside can help your circadian rhythm respond to light change which can help regulate your internal body clock.

By going outside, your body increases the production of melatonin in your body which can help you fall asleep quicker and lead to healthier sleep at night.



If trying all these tips didn’t help you get a good night sleep, you may be suffering from something more serious. Sleep problems are a major health issue, see your local doctor for an in-depth diagnosis or take our free sleep self-assessment questionnaire.