

Menopause, Apnoea And Snoring

Wed, Dec 01, 2010
Menopause is clearly linked to snoring and apnoea.  At younger ages, more men are snorers than women. But from mid-life on, the gap between the ratio changes dramatically.

Women who are pre-menopausal or well into menopause often find they suddenly start snoring. Numerous theories have been offered as explanations for this, ranging from weight gain, hormone fluctuations and simple loss of muscle tone. As we age our throat muscles are like any other muscle and become a little slacker, allowing the tongue to drop back to the soft palate, vibrate, and produce the sound we know as snoring.

Unfortunately this often kick starts a vicious cycle. People suffering from sleep disordered breathing (which includes snoring as well as more severe conditions such as obstructive sleep apnoea) often experience cravings for carbohydrates. These cravings lead to weight gain and reduced exercise due to the tiredness experienced as a consequence of the poor quality sleep.

This in turn leads to a worsened sleep disorder, an increasingly retarded metabolism, increased tiredness, increased cravings for carbohydrates and ‘quick fix’ energy boosters ... and so forth.

Getting your sleep disorder treated ensures you enjoy proper quality sleep. This alone will improve your energy levels while awake, and the cravings for carbohydrates will be reduced or disappear, especially as you start to exercise.